Monday 3 September 2012

Kiddy Time/Mummy Moments Challenge

We're currently living with my in-laws, now let me just give a quick run down of how that's turning out: My MIL is the stereotypical perfect housewife and mother. Her house is always completely spotless (no worries about dropping in unexpected here!), she's a fantastic cook and is currently thinking of doing pastry-making courses once she finishes the chefs course she's currently doing, everything in her home has a place and there's decorative pieces everywhere, she sews and quilts, she's an award winning gardener and - get this - she actually enjoys playing with kids! And she's fantastic at it! It's a little like living with Martha Stewart, which as you can probably tell makes me feel like an even crappier mother. Luckily she isn't quick to judge and embraces me as a member of the family despite my - many - flaws.
Now I'm never ever going to be like my MIL. She cleans and sews and bakes and spends time with the kids because she genuinely enjoys doing these things. I usually have gritted teeth while forcing myself to play with my nearly 3 year old son, and surreptitiously check my watch every 5 minutes ("Have I forced myself to spend enough time with him yet??"), my idea of cleaning is bringing the laundry inside and leaving it in a central place where everyone can get their clothes over the next few days until there's only one pair of socks left to put away (central closeting system? ...Without the folding and hanging and general organised-ness??). But being here and seeing what A is missing out on from me is motivating me to change our relationship around to a more positive one.

Hence Kiddy Times/Mummy Moments.
I am determined that for every day over the next week I will do at least two activities every day with A - even if it's only two ten minute activities, it's a starting point.
I will take the kids to the park which is located only one block away at least 3 times a week.
If I find myself going to the shopping centre with the kids I will stop at the kids play area and let A run around for at least 15 minutes while I have a cuppa. It's a great break in the middle of dragging the kids around to all the shops, let's him burn off a bit of energy (which he has plenty of!) and distracts him from the toys I had refused to buy because he has far too many as it is!
I will bake something with A at least 3 times a week.
I will encourage him to be a bit more active in the afternoons, playing games that will help tire him out so that bedtimes go smoother.

I'll let you know how it goes :) Checkout some of my ideas and plans on my Pinterest board, Kiddy Time/Mummy Moments.

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